Monday, January 13, 2014

Hiking to the top...finally:)

When people see Saba from afar, they can't help but be captivated by the beauty of the Mount Scenery.  An extinct volcano jutting straight out of the sea to 2,855 feet.  That may not seem impressive...there are much bigger mountains, of course.  What you need to remember, however, is that the entire island is only 5 square miles.  So any where you go, the mountain is always looming over you, begging to be climbed!  We have been anxious to climb it since we got our first glimpse on our boat ride here.  We had been waiting for a rain free forecast, but since that hasn't happened we decided to just set a day and go.  It was every bit as beautiful and enjoyable as we had anticipated.  I can't even begin to tell you how much we enjoyed our day.  We took an entire day, just for ourselves...something we hadn't done since we arrived....just us and nature.  You can hike it in several hours, but we took our time, took photos, examined plants, sat and enjoyed the views, and submerged ourselves in every minute of being in the jungle...finally getting to the top of that looming beautiful mountain peak.  The photos don't do it justice, but you'll get the idea....

A little cottage you can rent along the trail.

 We made it to the top...touching the clouds as they past by, looking down on other clouds below.  Canyon was so excited because he had always dreamed of touching a cloud and as we stood at the top they would pass right through us.  Then, they would clear momentarily giving us breathtaking views of the town below, the ocean, and neighboring islands.  We met another family at the top that sold all there possessions in Colorado, bought a sailboat, headed to France and set sail for the Caribbean!  They had two sons which they were homeschooling along the way.  Now they were touring the islands in the Caribbean.  We asked them which island was their favorite so far, and they all agreed that it was Saba.  The rest are all a lot the same...more beaches, so this stop was unique.  They only had a day on Saba and were thoroughly enjoying their hike in the jungle.  That speaks for what an amazingly unique and wonderful experience it is to see the mountain from the sea then get to experience hiking to the top!

My favorite tree and my favorite picture from the trip :)

Just as we started heading down, one of those passing clouds contained a brief shower.  Even it was pleasant.  We got cooled off a bit and Canyon thought of a way to stay dry!  Though it did make for a slippery climb down...not for the faint of heart!

After our amazing hike, we had a bit of time and wanted to make the most of our special "Fun" day.  McKinney's had told us about a little museum tucked away on one of the back streets.  Sounds like some fun school to us!    Jenny, the niece of one of the sisters, gave us a tour.  The photos were amazing and I wish I had taken more photos of the photos to show you...even how they got the princess off a similar boat when she arrived!  At least I got one of the second car, I believe she said, arriving to the island...imagine being there for that delivery! This old homestead houses the museum and a wealthy family once lived there.  The history of the island was very interesting, especially considering practically everyone we meet, or their family is mentioned in the museum.  The cottage we are in has the remnants of a stove like the one below.

I'd love to say I am that good of a photographer...but it flew into the picture just as I went to take it!
See the parakeets in the center of the picture?  They are beautiful, but it was hard to get a picture of them.  I snapped this one with my little pocket camera while out in the ministry.

What is it with boys and bugs?

A sweetheart that loves to study the Bible, she even came to the hall to hear Canyon's talk!  She even has a piano that she loves to let Canyon can practice on.  She loves reading the Bible so much that she is consider getting an ipad...even though she is in her 80's and doesn't use computers.  Her eyes are not so good and when she came to meeting, Becky enlarged the print on the ipad for her enough that she could see to read.  Presently, she reads the Bible until her eyes hurt and tears flow.

 Clint said I just had to show you what all the cars look like.  The road are so small and have stone walls, so most cars have scrapes along the sides.  No one seems to care...even when it is a new car, it is just expected.  Cars aren't a status symbol, which is refreshing.  Oh, and EVERYONE hitchhikes.  Even us sometimes.  We were told it is actually against the law NOT to pick up a hitchhiker...though I am sure that can't be true.  We pick people up all the time, it is just expected that if someone is walking and you aren't will pick them up.  Just like how you wouldn't pass up a family member or friend that needed a ride in the states...everyone here knows everyone, so there isn't anyone you can pass up.  They are already family or a friend, or they will be after you give them a ride. 

"The Road" going through town is a two-way street plus it has parking on the side.  I think this is where a lot of the scrapes happen.  I have seen two accidents there myself and no one seemed to care.  If you meet another car, one of you just backs up.  No one minds...can you imagine a street like that in a town in the states!

 We keep our doors open for the breeze, and this little guy flew right in and didn't want to leave.  Laura has this little birdhouse for decoration in one of the rooms and I think it was debating staying in the house with us.  Seeing as I am already cleaning up the occasional anole 'poo', I thought it best he didn't stay in with us!
I usually don't get my camera out on a study, but I couldn't pass up this shot!  TOO CUTE!  He climbed up there and got his book all by himself!

The school is on the top of a peninsula overlooking the ocean...I don't know how they can keep the kids from daydreaming!

 The friends had a going away party for us and even made a cake!  This was at the beginning...more trickled in, even some Bible studies came!  I was having so much fun that I forgot to get my camera out later :( Canyon had a blast playing with all the kids that came!  Everyone couldn't have made us feel more welcomed in Saba...truly hospitable!
I thought my sister-in-laws would like that of all games, they pulled out parchese!

This little shop sells items made of sea glass.  I asked her if she would consider giving Canyon a class in how to make things with the sea glass he had found and suggested that she should start offering classes.  The next time we stopped she had a sign up offering classes and offered us a discounted price since it was our idea!  Canyon loves recycling stuff and made some really cool key chains with the glass that he had gathered


  1. Wow! What a nice hike you must have had! So nice they had a party for you.....probably very hard to say good-bye. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!!

    1. Yep, it will be hard to say goodbye, but we are looking forward to seeing everyone back home, too.

  2. Loved all the pictures, thanks for sharing them. I liked the tree also and those big leaves, great for rain and sun protection! Thank you for taking us along with you on your experience serving in Saba. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

    1. We enjoy keeping up with your posts as well!

  3. Hi, my wife and I are pioneers and are vert interested in helping out in Saba. Anything to point us in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
